Creating an Aurora MySQL v3 cluster from data stored in S3



I tried following this procedure to import the data of a MySQL 8.0 instance running on my development laptop, through S3, to a new Aurora MySQL v3 cluster. First issue was that I had to use Percona XtraBackup 8.0, since 2.4 does not support MySQL 8.0.

Then, creating the new cluster through the Console gives me the following validation error:

You can't restore to aurora-mysql 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.02.2 from an S3 backup of mysql 8.0.

This used to work from a local MySQL 5.6 to an Aurora MySQL v1, but, unfortunately, that version is now EOL.

I can't see any references to MySQL 8.0 on the page linked above, nor from the similar CLI operation page. Does this mean restoring from S3 is not available for Aurora MySQL v3?

If so, what are the alternatives? My use case is to spin up a replica of our whole production environment, using locally prepared test data, from a single (terraform) command.

Also, maybe it would be good to update the various documentation to explicitly state that MySQL 8.0 is not supported, since I imagine a lot of people had to migrate to it, following the EOL of 5.6.

Cheers, Cyril.

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We have already released Aurora MySQL3 support.

There are some limitations before you use this migration path to Aurora MySQL3 from MySQL8.0. More detailed information can be found in the document:

con risposta un mese fa
  • Thank you. Indeed, I noticed the blog post about it some time ago and already used it successfully!

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