Exporting result sets is disabled for this account Error when trying to export to csv using Query Editor v2 Redshift


Hi, I created a redshift database and ran some queries in the query editor v2. I can see the option to Export to csv or json, but when I click on it, I get the error "Exporting result sets is disabled for this account.".

Searching google for this specific error message doesn't return much. I have tried adding the policy AmazonRedshiftQueryEditorV2FullAccess to both my own user and the IAM used for the created redshift database, but the error still persists. (taken from article https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/query-editor-v2-getting-started.html)

  1. Which account specifically is it talking about?
  2. What do I need to do in order to be able to export theses query results to csv from the query editor v2 directly?

Thanks, Becky

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I just got stuck on this as well.

Assuming you have the sqlworkbench:UpdateAcountExportSettings permission, you can enable exporting result sets:

  1. Click Account settings in the gear menu in the bottom-left corner of the Query Editor v2 interface.
  2. Check the Allow export result set checkbox in the Export settings section, and click Save.
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