After Recent Software Update in Storage Gateway services, one of our Fileshare keep on in Alarm state. FilesFailedtoUpload count is constant. Its a false positive alarm. how to rectify it.


After Recent Software Update in Storage Gateway services, one of our Fileshare keep on in Alarm state. FilesFailedtoUpload count is constant. Its a false positive alarm. how to rectify it.

posta 4 mesi fa140 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte
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Hey there!

Let's dive into resolving this situation with a focused approach:

  1. Review CloudWatch HealthNotifications: Visit AWS CloudWatch and examine the HealthNotifications for your File share. These insights are key to understanding the alarm trigger and verifying if it's indeed a false positive.
  2. Inspect the FilesFailingUpload Metric: Utilize CloudWatch to monitor the FilesFailingUpload metric, focusing on the "Sum" statistic. This will help quantify any ongoing upload issues and determine if the problem persists after addressing potential causes.
  3. Check for Specific File Issues: Investigate if certain files are repeatedly failing to upload due to size, format, or corruption. Identifying and rectifying these specific issues can prevent recurring alarms.

If possible, could you please provide more detailed information on this matter?

Please note: For the metric (FilesFailingUpload), it is advisable to set the threshold at 1 datapoint within a 5-minute interval.

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con risposta 4 mesi fa
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verificato 3 mesi fa
  • Hi, I can help you with the Cloud watch log for this Issue.

    { "severity": "ERROR", "bucket": "bucketname", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx", "source": "share-xxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "ObjectMissing", "operation": "S3Upload", "key": "cdc/smbdata/Environmant/InstanceName/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt", "gateway": "sgw-XXXXXXXXX", "timestamp": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" }

    Please let me know if any thing we can do at server level


Could you please check the threshold settings for the alarm related to FilesFailedtoUpload count. Make sure the threshold values are appropriate for your workload and consider adjusting them if necessary.If the false positive alarm started occurring after a recent software update, consider rolling back to the previous version of the software to see if the issue resolves. Alternatively, check for any available patches or updates from AWS that might address the problem. You might also find some useful information here :-

Hope it clarifies and if does I would appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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con risposta 4 mesi fa
profile pictureAWS
verificato 4 mesi fa
  • Storage Gateways file share is a AWS Managed service. We can't go back to the previous version, as it is Updated by AWS Maintenenace window. We set a threshold limit of 10, DataPoint as 15 Minutes.

  • can you check the logs generated by the Storage Gateway service to identify any specific errors or issues related to file uploads. Look for error messages, warnings, or patterns in the logs that might indicate the cause of the false positive alarm

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