AWS Glue - Map against a template


Hello, I am trying to use Glue to take an input file, do my required transformations, then output the columns in a specific order. I also want to output columns that may not be present in the input and have those columns just be null as placeholders.

For example, I ingest columns CustomerID, Customer Name, DoB in this order. I want to output a file that goes: DoB, Customer ID, Customer Phone Number, Customer Address, Customer Name.

Essentially I have a template that I have to match my output's format to but my input may not have every column, which is fine, but I still need at least placeholder columns there in order to match my template and for all my columns to be in a specific order.

Is there a better way to do this then a custom SQL statement node? I would ideally like to be able to view the input schema against the template output schema and just point the relevant inputs to map

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