How to Create Endpoints in AWS Pinpoint For SMS


How can we create and manage endpoints in AWS Pinpoint using our customer data? And What are the steps involved in importing customer data to create endpoints in AWS Pinpoint? And Are there any best practices or recommendations for organizing and maintaining endpoint data in AWS Pinpoint?


You can export your customer data from your source system like a data lake or database into an Amazon S3 bucket. You can then use Pinpoint Import Jobs to pick up the data from S3 and import it into your Pinpoint project. This allows you to ingest all your customer records as endpoints.

High level steps would be:

  • Export your customer data from the source system into an S3 bucket.
  • Use the Pinpoint console to create an Import Job that points to the S3 location.
  • Pinpoint will then import the data and create individual endpoints for each record.

Please refer the documentation for best practices:

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