Unable to receive email using Amazon Work Email but can send


I am attempting to receive email for schedulingcoordinator@carbtest.org but emails never arrive even when replying to one sent from that address. The Domain was purchased through Route 53 and I believe everything is et up right.

I can send emails fine but do not receive any bounce messages or errors. Nothing ever arrives. Exisitng answers did not resolve my issue.

質問済み 1年前271ビュー


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with receiving mail. I took a look your domain and the MX records look correct. I checked with the service team if they could do a quick look at your organization. They found your domain to be missing its inbound rule in SES. This means when we receive a mail for your domain we do not know where to deliver it.

You can correct this by adding your domain again in the WorkMail console. This will trigger a workflow to correct any problems with the required settings for a domain. You do not have to remove domain first.

Kind regards, Robin

回答済み 1年前

This problem can also be fixed by adding the following SES "Email receiving" rule: condition = yourDomainName and action = "Integrate with Amazon WorkMail".

回答済み 9ヶ月前

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