how to debug a script using aws lex and vscode


I'm wondering how I can debug a script using aws lex and my vscode


Hi Ayoub, to debug your Amazon Lex bot, you'll primarily rely on Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail for logging and monitoring, which can be accessed within Visual Studio Code (VS Code) using the AWS Toolkit [3][4]. First, enable logging for your Lex bot through the Amazon Lex Console, specifying that logs should be sent to CloudWatch [1][5]. This will provide you with logs about the bot's requests and responses, as well as performance metrics like latency and error rates.

Once logging is set up, you can use the AWS Toolkit for VS Code to view these logs without leaving your development environment [3][4]. The toolkit allows you to browse CloudWatch logs, helping you identify issues in real-time. You can also set up CloudWatch Alarms to notify you when certain metrics cross predefined thresholds, aiding in proactive debugging [5].

AWS CloudTrail is another tool for debugging, logging API calls made on your Lex bot [2]. While these logs may not be directly viewable in VS Code, they can be downloaded and reviewed as needed. You can filter these logs by the Amazon Lex service to focus on relevant activities. You can view them in your AWS console.

In addition to these logging and monitoring methods, I recommend manual testing. Use the Lex Console to interact with your bot, simulating different user inputs and observing the bot's responses [1]. This hands-on approach can often reveal issues that automated logs might not capture.

By integrating CloudWatch and CloudTrail logs into your VS Code setup and combining this with manual testing in the Lex Console, you create a debugging environment for your Amazon Lex bot.

If this answer helped, please accept this answer, if you have any other questions please feel free to respond,



  1. Building and Testing the Bot - Amazon Lex:
  2. Security, Logging, and Monitoring in Amazon Lex:
  3. AWS Toolkit for VS Code - CloudWatch Logs:
  4. AWS Toolkit for VS Code - Viewing CloudWatch Logs:
  5. Amazon Lex Conversation Logs with CloudWatch:
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