AWS ECS XRay and Step Function Integration


We have an ECS Fargate Task that calls some other AWS Services (SNS, RDS) that is being invoked by a Step Function, and we would like to be able to see the whole XRay Trace map.

The ECS Fargate Task has a XRay sidecar setup and the Task can output the data to XRay using the Python SDK, but it does not see the segment from the Step Function. We tried adding the Step Function TraceId that is under SdkHttpMetadata.AllHttpHeaders.X-Amzn-Trace-Id[0] and creating subsegments from that particular trace, but currently the XRay Trace Map displays the ECS Container in a separate tree, from the Step Function tree, see Image Example Trace Map

Sadly we failed to find any detailed information about how to integrate ECS Fargate XRay when invoked from Step Functions so any help would be appreciated. Our end goal is to see both the ECS and Step Function Traces under the same client tree.


To address this issue, you need to ensure that the X-Ray trace context is propagated correctly between the Step Function and the ECS Fargate task. Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Step Function Configuration:

    • Make sure that your Step Function is configured to pass the X-Ray trace header (X-Amzn-Trace-Id) to the ECS Fargate task. You can do this by enabling Tracing in the Step Function state machine and setting PassResourceIdsInResponse to true.
  2. ECS Task Definition:

    • In your ECS Task Definition, ensure that the container definition includes the X-Ray daemon sidecar container.
    • Configure your application container to pass the X-Ray trace header to the X-Ray daemon sidecar container. This can typically be done by setting the AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS environment variable to the IP address and port of the X-Ray daemon sidecar container.
  3. Application Code:

    • In your application code (Python in this case), you need to correctly retrieve the X-Ray trace header from the incoming request and use it to create a new subsegment or segment.
    • Instead of using the trace ID from SdkHttpMetadata.AllHttpHeaders.X-Amzn-Trace-Id[0], you should use the trace header from the incoming request headers. This header should be automatically passed by ECS to your application container.
    • Use the AWS X-Ray SDK to create a new segment or subsegment using the trace header, and capture the necessary information within your application code.

By following these steps, you should be able to see the complete end-to-end trace in the X-Ray trace map, including the Step Function, ECS Fargate task, and any other services your application interacts with.

Let me know if this is helpful.

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