Denied access to JSON file



New to this so I hope this isn't a completely silly question, but I have set up an S3 bucket connected to a Cloudfront distribution in order to feed a Roku Channel. The bucket permissions block public access and only allow the Cloudfront distribution access. I can access the video content no problem through the web browser using the cloudfront end point. However, when I attempt to access the JSON feed file with the browser, I get an access denied response. I am confused, should the JSON file be accessible if the video files are accessible? What have I done wrong?

  • How are you accessing JSON feed file, through cloudfront or using object s3 url in browser?

  • I am using the cloudfront. This is the funny thing. It wasn't working all morning, then I tried again a few seconds ago and I was able to access it, but when I tried using the same cloudfront url a few seconds later, I got an access denied message again. Very confused.

  • Okay, now it's accessing it with no issue. Still very confused. Not sure what happened.

  • I just provided you a document link, which you can refer if you face this issue again. It has variety of scenarios.


I'd suggest you to look at this Knowledge Center Article if you face this issue again.

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