Cloudfront Signed URLs for Static Website?


Hello Community Experts,

We have setup a static Angular web application hosted in S3 for a client. We've also added a cloud distribution for it and everything works fine so far.

We've got a new requirement now to allow access to the website using Signed URLs only. However from the documentation I've seen so far it seems Signed URLs only work for individual S3 objects and not for a website which might need to refer to other script/other files which might be in different locations in the bucket.

Could you let me know please if our understanding is correct and if it is possible to have a Signed cloudfront url for the static S3 website? Is there any documentation around this.

Many thanks in advance.



It is possible to publish a signed url with CloudFront.
This feature allows only limited users to retrieve content from S3 via CloudFront.

I think your understanding of the signed url is also correct.
A signed url can be used to control access to an object.

So it may be a good idea to use a signed cookie to restrict to multiple files.

Please see the following document for a comparison of signed cookies and signed URLs.

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回答済み 9ヶ月前
  • Hi Riku, thankyou for your response. We have been able to set up a signed url for the cloudfront distribution that we are using for the static website. But the issue is that it is unable to load any of the other files (required javascripts) apart from the index.html(after we change it to restrict access for signed urls). Is there any way to let the Signed Cloudfront url have access to all the files in the S3 bucket which hosts the website?

  • Updated answers. For multiple files, it is better to use a signed cookie.

  • Thankyou that helped!

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