AWS HealthImaging Error:- Resource can't be loaded, please refresh your browser. You don’t have permissions for this action with the credentials you sent.


when i try to open image set in healthimaging datastore it show me this error :- Resource can't be loaded, please refresh your browser. You don’t have permissions for this action with the credentials you sent.

質問済み 2ヶ月前87ビュー

Hi anurag,

This error typically indicates that your IAM role does not have access to the medical-imaging:GetImageSet and medical-imaging:GetImageSetMetadata actions. You can confirm this by opening the browser debug console (typically via the F12 key), going to the Network tab, and refreshing the page where you are getting the error. You should see one or two lines with a 403 status. If you select that network transaction, and select the Response tab, you should see something like the following:

"User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/Role-Name/User-Name is not authorized to perform: medical-imaging:GetImageSet on resource: arn:aws:medical-imaging:us-east-1:123456789012:datastore/<uuid> because no identity-based policy allows the medical-imaging:GetImageSet action"

If this is the case, then confirm in IAM that your effective permissions include these two actions. Alternatively, you can use the AWS-managed AWSHealthImagingReadOnlyAccess IAM policy to grant yourself read-only access to all HealthImaging resources.

回答済み 2ヶ月前
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レビュー済み 2ヶ月前

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