Selling Serverless Solution as 1-click package deployment on AWS marketplace



We have developed a data analysis platform the follows AWS Serverless Application model. It consists of a number of lambda functions being controlled through AWS Step function.

We are looking to host this application on AWS marketplace as a 1-click application so the customer can directly deploy all the lambda functions and necessary components directly in their private account. I am looking for answers to the following questions:

Suitable Delivery Method: Based on the research I have done so far, I can't find the exact category. We don't have AMIs or EC2s in the platform so that approach would not work for us. Professional services is also not suitable since we won't be able to manage 1-click deployments through it. Is there a method that allows me to share cloudformation stacks without tying them to the AMIs?

Typical Size of Marketplace Applications: I see large solutions available in SaaS category but for me that is not an option because I want to deploy the solution in customer's account. The services available in other categories appear to be very small applications. So is it recommended to host a large scale platform on marketplace?



Hello Osama,

If SaaS is not an option for you, our Container product option would likely fit into your solution as AWS Marketplace Containers allows you to deploy your application to AWS in various ways which includes Elastic Container Service (ECS), ECS Anywhere (ECS-A), Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), EKS Anywhere (EKS-A), Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), any Kubernetes environment, or AWS Fargate.

With AWS Marketplace Container, you can also use one or a combination of AWS CloudFormation templates, ECS Task definitions (ECS), Helm Charts (EKS), or basic Elastic Container Registry (ECR) pull command to deploy your application.

However, please note that you would have to use the Contract pricing model as Lambda is not a supported container runtime for Hourly or Usage pricing types. It will also involve a great amount of bloat to the runtime of the function - since it would need to call the License Manager API, check out a license, perform its functionality, and then check the license back in again for each invocation.

This documentation will provide information for Container Contract pricing integrated with AWS License Manager where the service is hosted in the buyer’s account and managed within the buyer environment :

For more information about Container products please visit this link:

If you need more clarification, please contact us through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal:

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