new .com registration failing for unknown reason


Hi, I'm trying to register a new .com domain name, and it keeps failing with the error - "Domain registration failed: [Parameters in request are not valid]"

This error readout is incredibly vague, is there anywhere I can find a more verbose reason for this? Are there common known issues with the "parameters" that lead to this issue? (not that I've been able to find.)

The only other posts here that refer to the same issue are unanswered. The domain has never been registered, is currently available, and I've tried registering as both personal and company (not simultaneously), both resulted in the same error.


There can be multiple reason. Most popular one is special character in any of the information. Try to type in , instead of copy paste and make sure no special character in contact information

回答済み 1年前
profile pictureAWS
レビュー済み 1年前
  • This fixed it. I have no idea why, as I had registered numerous other domain names without touching the prefilled fields before, but I cleared and retyped the information exactly as it was and the registration worked.

    I'm guessing there has been some issue with how AWS retrieves and enters the field data from previous registrations.

    Thanks for the suggestion. 👍

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