AWS Q on VS Code refuses to answer questions


I'm trying to use AWS Q with VS Code and it refuses to answer most questions. They questions can be AWS-service related or not. It gives me variations of "I can't answer that question" despite the web-version of Q happily doing so. I could swear a month or two ago it was giving me tips on Angular and other general dev questions, but now it is completely shutdown. This has been going on for awhile. I've mostly been asking CloudFormation-related questions because that is the stage of the project I'm at but for most any question I ask this is what I get. It is pretty useless in the current state.

refusing to answer CloudFormation question refusing to answer S3 question refusing to answer another CloudFormation question web version answering the same question

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Mike D
質問済み 4ヶ月前370ビュー

Hello Mike,

I would advise you to reauthenticate Amazon Q or reinstall the AWS toolkit which could solve the issue.


回答済み 4ヶ月前

ログインしていません。 ログイン 回答を投稿する。


