Point CloudFront to out site server using A record


We have a blog site hosted with Siteground, but we're facing issues using their CDN because we can't point NS (which is not possible since all our web apps are hosted on the same domain in AWS). Therefore, we're planning to use Cloudfront as our CDN, but we're unable to directly point the domain using the IP address (A record) from Cloudfront.

質問済み 7ヶ月前163ビュー

Hi Keshan! Amazon CloudFront doesn't support IPs as origins. Do I understand correctly that you have created an A Record in Amazon Route 53 and would like to use this as the origin for CloudFront? What is the error that you're seeing and when does it happen? Please provide us with some hints or screenshots.

回答済み 7ヶ月前
  • Hi Piotrek, That's correct. I tried to create an A record in Route 53, and it worked, But the issue is, When I checked the website, all the resources came from the old URL, not the URL we configured. Then I changed the Site URL to the Route 53 URL and saw "redirected you too many times." issue

  • We added old.domain.com as our site URL configured new.domain.com using Route 53 and pointed to old.domain.com. It worked but all the resources came from the old domain. Even Site links appear based on old URLs. So I changed the Site URL and Now we are getting the "redirected you too many times" error.

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