Can "AWS IAM Identity Center" be used to access APIs without running "aws configure sso" every other time?


I'm referring to this article:

Do I understand correctly that I'll need to run "aws configure sso" every hour/12 hours anyway?


Hi, yes, you to need refresh with a new aws sso login each time the session duration that you defined is reached.


For each permission set, you can specify a session duration to control the length of time 
that a user can be signed in to an AWS account. When the specified duration elapses, 
AWS signs the user out of the session.

When you create a new permission set, the session duration is set to 1 hour (in seconds) 
by default. The minimum session duration is 1 hour, and can be set to a maximum of 12 hours.
 IAM Identity Center automatically creates IAM roles in each assigned account for each permission 
set, and configures these roles with a maximum session duration of 12 hours.

I would also suggest reading It does a very good job in explaining how aws sso login works, especially when it is used to get access to different applications.



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回答済み 10ヶ月前
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レビュー済み 10ヶ月前
  • Hi! I read that article, thank you. However, as this is very new to me, I may confuse things. You said, that I have to run aws sso login each time the session duration is reached. The maximum session duration is 12 hours, which means I have to open the browser 2 times a day. But from the article, it follows that I need to do it only once. So, what's the correct answer in the end?

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