Executing a project containing the following technologies Amazon Web Services (AWS) (free tier) Angular JS Java Javascript Node.JS NoSQL


I am supposed to work on and deliver a full stack project with the implementation of the technologies mentioned below, i.e Amazon Web Services (AWS) Angular JS Java Javascript Node.JS NoSQL Get the website link of the full stack project and upload the website link of the project in the application form for a internship job role in a company or organization which happens to be in Bangalore city of the country India.

I am not well aware of how to build a full stack project from scratch and upload the website link of the project in the online application form for the internship opportunity in full stack development in a company or organization in Bangalore city of the country India.

May I please know how can I execute a full stack web development project by making use of the technologies indicated earlier i.e Amazon Web Services (AWS), Angular JS, Java, Javascript, Node.JS and No SQL, retrieve the website link of the full stack web development project and upload the website link in the online application form for full stack development internship in a company or organization in Bangalore city of the country India and how can I know more about it?

I wish to start with the basic free tier account of AWS platform to execute the full stack web development project as per the specifications mentioned earlier.

I am hereby indicating the internship website link for your reference.


May I please know about it?


Here's a step by step guide on one way to deploy a full stack environment - https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/hands-on/build-react-app-amplify-graphql/.

However, I would highly recommend you start by learning about the AWS ecosystem. This course is available for free here - https://explore.skillbuilder.aws/learn/learning_plan/view/82/cloud-essentials-learning-plan-earn-a-learning-badge. Once you have some of the skills you'll earn by going through the training, you'll be able to better understand the tools and services used to deploy the full stack tools.

I highly recommend you start with the first part, so that when asked about what you deployed you'll be able to articulate the decisions made.

Hope this helps.

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