CDK problem creating a certificate for an ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService in gov cloud


I have a cdk template that has been working as expected for some time. I am in the process to setting up the same in govcloud and I am running into the problem that the deployment is stuck while creating the certificate that the alb will use. The tree view of the resources in CF console has all the resources creation as completed except the certificate.

The certificate uses a hosted zone in the template for its creation. The hosted zone in the govcloud is, The gov cloud account is linked to an standard aws account with two public hosted zones: xxx.yyy, and

The template successfully creates the route53 records in the govcloud.

My impression is that the validation is not working but not sure why.

  • there are two things that remain foggy to me. How is the roundtripping of the route53 validation in govcloud? These are private hosted zones. Does the validation leave the partition's route53? Does it use the linked standard account to reach out the TLD and then come back to the private hosted zone using the public hosted zone (I have the gov cloud name servers there and nothing else) ?

    Can VPCs in govcloud share private hosted zones? or does each vpc require its own hosted zone?

質問済み 1年前474ビュー

Creating acm certificates on the fly using CDK in govcloud is not advisable because the dns validation needs a public hosted zone entry, which govcloud does not have. In addition, the certs quota can hit the environment at the least expected moment. The most straight forward way to do this is:

To create a cert manually in the govcloud account, using dns validation and the linked aws account's public hosted zone/domain. The the cert's arn can be used in CDK without problems.

回答済み 1年前
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レビュー済み 10ヶ月前

Hi, did you check that you gov cloud region supports ACM service endpoint ? For the list, see

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回答済み 1年前
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レビュー済み 10ヶ月前
  • the endpoints are there for both govcloud regions. thanks!


If getting stuck at ACM level is mostly related to its validation. Are you using email or dns to perform validation?

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回答済み 1年前
  • The cert is created by CDK using the hosted zone data. It works in the standard aws cloud. Logic dictates that validations should occur via dns. I can see the validation record in the gov route53. It strikes me a as a DNS problem that I introduced. There are two places that might be the problem (nothing like being away from the keyboard for ideas to pop up) thanks!

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