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If you would enable sharing, your savings plan would be better utilized. Compute Savings Plan(CSP) is an hourly commitment for your compute usage, it's always great to have as much as utilization as possible.
As you mentioned, in your case, your existing savings plan seems like over commitment if used without sharing, so definitely you should consider enabling sharing. Once you enable sharing, whatever you committed, would remain same so the savings plan charges too. If after enabling sharing, your compute usage goes above what you committed in CSP(utilization), that portion, which goes over your CSP commitment, would be charged on-demand but CSP would remain same. You may see charges increased for on-demand compute usage if compute usage exceeds the CSP commitment overall but not CSP charges as that's your commitment and would only be increased if you further increase your CSP commitment.
In a Consolidated Billing Family, Savings Plans are applied first to the owner account's usage, and then to other accounts' usage. This occurs only if you have sharing enabled.
In a real world example, I'd explain it this way, I have committed for X hours of compute in an account A, but that account is only running compute for 5 hours. Remaining compute commitment (X-5) hours are not getting utilized. Now if I start sharing my compute commitment with other accounts too in consolidated billing, if there is residual of compute hours from account A, then other account like Account B, C usage of compute hours would be covered by Account A' X-5 hours of CSP commitment. Value of X(CSP commitment) would remain same so the charges for CSP would also be same.
Additional Reference:
- Understanding how Savings Plans apply to your AWS usage
- How is the pricing benefit of a Savings Plan applied across an organization's consolidated bill?
Hope this helps.
Comment here if you have additional questions, happy to help.
Additional note if you would like to calculate the Savings Plan coverage after sharing with more details: https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/cost/300_labs/300_cur_queries/queries/compute/#account-spend-of-shared-savings-plan
DATE_FORMAT(line_item_usage_start_date,'%Y-%m') AS month_line_item_usage_start_date,
split(savings_plan_savings_plan_a_r_n,':')[5] AS savings_plan_owner_account_id,
SUM(CAST(line_item_unblended_cost AS DECIMAL(16, 8))) AS sum_line_item_unblended_cost,
SUM(CAST(savings_plan_savings_plan_effective_cost AS DECIMAL(16, 8))) AS sum_savings_plan_savings_plan_effective_cost
AND bill_payer_account_id = '111122223333'
AND line_item_usage_account_id = '444455556666'
AND line_item_line_item_type = 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage'
AND savings_plan_savings_plan_a_r_n NOT LIKE '%444455556666%'
sum_savings_plan_savings_plan_effective_cost DESC;
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