We need help to get the data of shut down instances in all regions from the past 90 days on all member accounts from Management (root) account using Athena.
We have a sample script but the script failed.
Sample script:
SELECT eventTime, requestParameters.instancesSet.items.instanceId
FROM cloudtrail_logs.ec2_instance_state_change
WHERE eventName IN ('StopInstances', 'TerminateInstances')
AND eventTime >= date_sub('day', 90, current_date)
ORDER BY eventTime DESC;
SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND: line 2:6: Schema 'cloudtrail_logs' does not exist
This query ran against the "athenacurcfn_c_u_r_hourly" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum or contact customer support with Query Id: 7b4b1708-b0fd-4671-abd5-6c506ad934de