Cross-Account Route 53 and ACM using CDK


I am developing a web application within my AWS organization. I have one account to manage domains with Route 53, one for development, and a third for production. I use CDK to deploy my app's AWS resources and code. I need help creating and validating an ACM certificate with DNS records on a Route 53 hosted zone in another account. CDK doesn't allow me to pass values from one stack in account A to another in account B. I've been thinking of developing a lambda function with the AWS SDK to do cross-account configurations and then importing the created resources to my stacks, but I wondered if there is a way to accomplish this with CDK.


Hi, thanks for posting your question on re:Post!

You can achieve this with a cross account role and a custom resource that will make the changes in the Hosted Zone on your behalf on stack deploy. Please see the cdk-cross-account-route-53 on Construct Hub that does exactly this. Alternatively you can recreate a similar setup in your CDK project.

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