Create table with array of json objects


The files in the bucket have json arrays in a single line separated by comma like below: [{"key" : 20}, {"key" : 30}, {"key" : 40}] When i create table with this, only the first record is being read.

質問済み 3ヶ月前135ビュー

I'm having the same issue. Data is stored in below format in s3 as JSON array with partitions S3 path - s3://fleet-fuelcard-data-import-dev/lambda/fuelsoft-morgan/660306/2024/Apr/03-Apr-2024.json.

{ "_1": [ { "EntityMapping": null, "AccountId": "xx", "CardNumber": "xxxx", "CardType": "xxxxx", "CheckDigit": "5", "CostCentre": "xx Amb Station", "Currency": "EUR", "DriverName": "", "EmployeeId": "", "ExtractedDate": "03-Apr-2024 11:38:28", "Goods": 44.64 }, { "EntityMapping": null, "AccountId": "660306", "CardNumber": "700047660306000053", "CardType": "Morgan", "CheckDigit": "5", "CostCentre": "Thurles Amb Station", "Currency": "EUR", "DriverName": "", "EmployeeId": "", "ExtractedDate": "03-Apr-2024 11:37:52", "Goods": 67.88 } ]

I used glue crawler to create the table in Athena. Below the respective DDL for the same and when I try to access the records using select, only the first record is being selected.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE fi_fuelsoft_morgan( array array<structentitymapping:string,accountid:string,cardnumber:string,cardtype:string,checkdigit:string,costcentre:string,currency:string,drivername:string,employeeid:string,extracteddate:string,goods:double,isonumber:string,id:string,invoiceno:int,invoiceddate:string,mileage:int,productdescription:string,producttype:string,receiptnumber:string,registrationnumber:string,shortcardnumber:string,sitedescription:string,sitenumber:string,total:double,transactiondate:string,unitprice:double,vat:double,volume:double,cf_account_name:string> COMMENT 'from deserializer') PARTITIONED BY ( partition_0 string, partition_1 string, partition_2 string) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'paths'='array') STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://fleet-fuelcard-data-import-dev/lambda/fuelsoft-morgan/' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion'='1.0', 'CrawlerSchemaSerializerVersion'='1.0', 'UPDATED_BY_CRAWLER'='fleet-fuelcard-integration', 'averageRecordSize'='22644', 'classification'='json', 'compressionType'='none', 'objectCount'='1393', 'partition_filtering.enabled'='true', 'recordCount'='1393', 'sizeKey'='31560393', 'typeOfData'='file')

I'm stuck with this , Can anyone help on resolving this issue ? on how to get all the records in JSON array? Do I need to change the structure of array ? to have one single record in one line? as per the document The following example will not work.

{ "key" : 10 } { "key" : 20 }

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