Update Greengrass Core Device Network Proxy Configuration


I wonder if there is a simple way to get a component to update the Greengrass Core device network proxy? I tried updating effectiveConfig.yaml, but it seems it is overwritten upon reboot. I also tried hacking at Nucleus component recipes, but to no avail.

I have a component that allows to remotely reconfigure a device network, but the use of proxy is tricky since Greengrass also needs to be reconfigured.

Any help appreciated

  • The correct answer is below. But one quick note: Nucleus does not read from effectiveConfig.yaml. It is only written to. The way to change Nucleus behavior is by updating configuration via a deployment.

質問済み 2年前649ビュー

Hi, you can find guidance in the Configure the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software documentation:

To configure a network proxy, create a deployment for the aws.greengrass.Nucleus component that merges the following configuration update. This configuration update contains the networkProxy object.

  "networkProxy": {
    "noProxyAddresses": ",www.example.com",
    "proxy": {
      "url": "https://my-proxy-server:1100",
      "username": "Mary_Major",
      "password": "pass@word1357"
profile pictureAWS
回答済み 2年前
  • Thank you for you reply. I had seen that explanation in the doc, but what I do not understand is how to get that done on the core device itself. I could use the CLI with an --update-config but what do I use for recipeDir and artifactDir when the nucleus component has been deployed by fleet deployment.


I should have been more clear on what I wanted. I want the Proxy configuration to be updated programmatically by a component running on the device.

I found out about GetConfiguration/UpdateConfiguration but whilst I can get the configuration of aws.greengrass.Nucleus programmatically, I can seem to be able to update it. Is it possible?

I could use AWS CLI through a shell sub-process, but that command requires an artifact directory and I can't seem to find a way to set that.

Help please.

回答済み 2年前
  • I also have this issue - how can I set the proxy settings locally without a cloud connection?

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