DMS - PostgreSQL to MSK


I am working on POC to migrate from Debezium to AWS DMS for PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL as Source and Kafka as Destination (AWS MSK). In Debezium i used to see before and after image for updates, but in DMS for Updates, i see only after values in Data section for the same table.

I could not find any documentation on how to get before image. Is this expected behavior or do i need to update any settings to get before image.

issue 2, table on which CDC is enabled, i have 3 jsonb columns. when i run update on the rows where jsonb have data, in kafka i see messages either jsonb column not getting populated at all (not returning those columns in kafka message) , in some cases 1 jsonb column is populated.

i tried with full LOB or Limited LOB options, going as far as 10mb for Maximum LOB size. is there anything i need to change to get LOB populated in Kafka?

I am using PostgresSQL 14.4 version, DMS Replication Instance engine Version 3.5.1 and AWS MSK 2.3.1

Any info would be appreciated



On first issue, to get before-image updates with Kafka, see

On issue #2, you could try to remap you jsonb onto a CLOB to see if you get better results. See


By default, AWS DMS maps JSONB to NCLOB. You can specify MapJsonbAsClob to let PostgreSQL migrate the 
JSONB type as CLOB.

Example: --postgre-sql-settings='{"MapJsonbAsClob": "true"}'



profile pictureAWS
回答済み 8ヶ月前
  • Hi Didier, thanks for the response.

    issue 1 is resolved after making the changes you specified.

    issue 2, still i see the same issue. now the jsonb columns are showing up in before image , but not in data section. here are my endpoint settings. anything else i can do.

    { "CaptureDdls": false, "DatabaseName": "test", "HeartbeatFrequency": 3, "Port": 5432, "ServerName": "****", "Username": "*****", "MapJsonbAsClob": true }



anyone else any idea how jsonb issue can be resolved

回答済み 8ヶ月前

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