VSCode Create Website


I am looking to move the server that a website is on to be hosted on my AWS Account. I have downloaded the github repository which has the code for the website. I have connected to AWS Toolkit on VSCode and connected the AWS Explorer. How do I take the folder which has all of the necessary code for the website, and run it through a server on AWS? Can this be done through VSCode?


Firstly, what webserver software is the current web server running? You need to have a compatible hosting solution. Could be Wordpress or iis or apache?

If it’s just static content then your best bet would be a static website hosted on an S3 bucket n

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回答済み 10ヶ月前
  • I am not too positive, I am fairly new to launching web servers and took this over from the previous developer. I was told it was created via ASP.NET and was told to have a windows web host with .net 4.8 or higher. Is there any other info I need to find out in order to move ahead with this?

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