AWS instance: free for first three months


AWS Lighsail says that every instance (virtual server) is free for the first three months and $3.50 thereafter for the most basic plan. Let's suppose an AWS user creates an instance in the Oregon region and deletes it BEFORE the end of the first three months. Let's also suppose that the AWS user creates a new instance in the same region right after deleting the first instance, will AWS charge the user or let him have a new three-free-month trial for the new instance?


you can find the detailed information here

as summary

The AWS Lightsail free tier offering you mentioned is not exactly for the first three months. Instead, AWS offers a free tier for Lightsail with specific usage limits. The free tier provides 750 hours of usage per month for the first month of a new Lightsail account. The 750 hours can be spread across multiple instances within that month.

To answer your question, if a user creates an instance and deletes it before the end of the first month, the free tier will still cover the new instance created afterward, as long as the combined usage of all instances does not exceed 750 hours within the first month.

After the first month, the free tier no longer applies, and you will be charged the regular rate based on your chosen plan, such as $3.50 per month for the most basic plan.

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