Cannot resolve DNS name of S3 hosted website


Hello everyone,

I have issues setting up Route53 to redirect requests to my domain to my S3-hosted static website. So here is what I did:

  • I build a react app, bundled it and uploaded it to an S3 bucket that is configured for website hosting
  • I tested that the website endpoint of the bucket is working: (don´t expect this to work, CORS headers on the backing API are not configured for access from the bucket website endpoint)
  • I created a redirect bucket for the www subdomain
  • I registered a domain on Route53 and received the confirmation mail. whois yields a good-looking result
  • In the hosted zone of my domain, I created two A records targeting the S3 website endpoint as explained in the documentation (one for the root domain, one for the subdomain)
  • Test Record works fine for both A records
  • I saw that for some reason there was a mismatch between the nameservers on my hosted zone and those on the registered domain. I changed the name servers on the domain to those on the hosted zone, the update was completed successfully (the name servers on the NS record were already correct)

All these steps completed, I expected the domain should be available now, yet I keep getting a DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.

Any clues?


Hi, This previous re:Post answer is probably the answer to your question:

Hope it helps!


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