How to import data from AWS S3 into RDS PostgreSQL without including auto-generated primary key ID column in CSV file?


Hi, I am following this doc for copying CSV files from S3 directly into an Aurora serverless V2 database in RDS:

However, I’m running into an issue with the primary key column on our RDS table. There is a primary key column in our table called id that is not present in the CSV file I am attempting to upload. This id column gets auto-incremented on generic inserts into the table.

A sample query I am running locally on pgadmin is:

SELECT aws_s3.table_import_from_s3 (
	'(format csv,header true)',
	aws_commons.create_s3_uri (

The file I am trying to insert has all the columns in the RDS table except for the id column. When I attempt to run this query it fails. If I add an empty column called ID to the csv file the query everything inserts correctly, however the rows inserted into RDS do not have any values for id.

Does anyone know if there is a way to auto-generate the values for the primary key id column in the table during the copy command without me needing to do anything to the CSV file?


Hi, to achieve what you want,

  1. you can use type SERIAL for your id column: see
  2. then you modify the table_import_from s3 above with only 2 columns instead of 3, the id column will autogenerate via its SERIAL type.

Best, Didier

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回答済み 1年前
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レビュー済み 1年前
  • Thank you, that worked!

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