AWS certification exam cancelling and reschedule with other account


I have received a voucher (XVoucher) from my company to pay for my AWS exam, and I scheduled the exam, but the problem is that I scheduled it on my account with my company email (due to VPN and other reasons, I'm not able to take the exam from my company laptop), so I'd need to cancel the exam, made with the company email account, and maybe reschedule it, using my personal account (and personal laptop). My question is, that if the voucher was not "used" yet, meaning it was applied, but the exam day hasn't come yet, can I reuse this voucher, after cancelling the first exam, then to apply it when registering again ? Or AWS will give me another voucher, because of the cancellation, that I can use to schedule again ? If yes, will I be able to use it in another account ? ps. the voucher is not expired, but if I'm trying to use it now, with my personal account, it says voucher already used, as it was previously applied to the first exam registration.

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質問済み 6ヶ月前224ビュー

In that case, you must open a support ticket directly to PersonVue.

Explain your situation and they can send you another voucher to reschedule your exam on the desired account. Be aware that you cannot do this 48 hours before the exam.

回答済み 6ヶ月前
  • Thank you, I got a really fast answer using the Chat. I will post the outcome in the answers.


To clarify: after cancelling an exam, the initial voucher will be available again, and you can reuse it with another account.

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回答済み 6ヶ月前
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レビュー済み 2ヶ月前

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