DKIM signing DISABLED for multiple domains


hi, I'm running an EC2 instance to host a number of wordpress websites. for each site I'm hosting I've added the domain details to AWS Simple Email Service and added the relevant CNAME records to the DNS at the registrar. within a few hours of adding them, each domain is verified and everything seems fine.

then, a few days ago, i got an email from AWS saying "We detected that the DNS records required for the DKIM setup of are no longer present in your DNS settings."

this happened first to one domain, and then others the next day. nothing has changed in the DNS records for these domains, in some cases the DKIM settings have been there for well over a year.

i now have 6 domains where i've received emails saying the DKIM is being disabled... i've checked and the relevant CNAME exists for each of them.

any suggestions for what could be going wrong?



  • I am experiencing the same issue; WordPress. Were using the SES Offload light plugin. And after I receive the disabled message I'm receiving some spam spoofing from the domain. And then some time later I'll receive a re-enabled notification from AWS. Maybe it's some kind of exploit?


Did you resolve this. Had exactly the same message from AWS ("We detected that the DNS records required for the DKIM setup of ... are no longer present in your DNS settings."). Checked and CNAME entries are there and SES is still working.

回答済み 2年前
  • in the end it resolved itself... the problem for me was with the domain name registrar... apparently they'd experienced a number of DDOS attacks and had partially blocked a large range of IP addresses which seemed to include AWS servers... after a few days to a week they all became verified again ....

    sorry for the delay in writing back, hope that helps if you're still experiencing difficulties...

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