Studio or Notebook Instance?


I’m aware of Sagemaker Studio and notebook instance, but still confused about which to choose. Notebook instance - I find it easy but seems like it’s missing some new features. Studio on the other hand seems really complicated, full with features.

質問済み 1年前2046ビュー

Hi User,

If you are looking to build, train, debug, track, and monitor your models, it will be better to use Studio and is worth overcoming the learning curve.

This document sums up the benefits of Studio Notebooks.

Here is a suggested Immersion Day with labs that can help you get up to speed with SageMaker Studio. Hope it helps!

profile pictureAWS
回答済み 1年前


It also confuses me when I use them at the first glance. Generally, the amazon SageMaker studio notebook is suitable for you than the notebook instance since it is faster, easy sharing, equipped with more features as described in AWS official document.

However, you may also choose the notebook instance when you want to do something quickly or locally, because studio notebooks don't support local mode. In this case, you can use a notebook instance to train a sample of your dataset locally, and then use the same code in a Studio notebook to train on the full dataset later on.

Hope it helps.

回答済み 1年前

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