How do I create notifications for when an Amazon EMR cluster or step changes state?

2 minute read

I want to create notifications for when an Amazon EMR cluster or step changes state.

Short description

When you create an Amazon EventBridge rule, you choose a target, such as an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. The target triggers when a specified event occurs, such as a cluster state change.


To create an EventBridge rule that sends an Amazon SNS message when an Amazon EMR cluster or step changes state, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an Amazon SNS topic. An Amazon SNS topic is the target for the EventBridge rule.
  2. Create an EventBridge rule with the following configurations:
    In the Event source section, for Event source, select AWS events or EventBridge partner events.
    In the Creation method section, for Method, select Use pattern form.
    In the Event pattern section, for Event source, select AWS services.
    In the Event pattern section, for Service Name, select EMR.
    In the Event pattern section, for Event type, select State Change.
    In the Target 1 section, for Target types select AWS service.
    In the Target 1 section, for Select a target, select SNS topic.
    In the Target 1 section, for Topic, select the Amazon SNS topic that you created.
    Note: You can choose multiple targets per rule.
  3. (Optional) If the EventBridge rule doesn't run as expected, then see Troubleshooting Amazon EventBridge.

Related information

Monitoring Amazon EMR events with Amazon CloudWatch

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 months ago