How do I identify Availability Zones in AWS Resource Access Manager?

2 minute read

I want to identify the Availability Zone (AZ) ID in AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM).

Short description

AWS maps Availability Zones to names for each account to make sure that resources are distributed across the Availability Zones of a Region. For example, the Availability Zone us-east-1a for your AWS account might not have the same location as us-east-1a for another AWS account.


To coordinate Availability Zones across accounts for VPC sharing, use the AZ ID. For example, use1-az1 is one of the Availability Zones in the us-east-1 Region.

To find the AZ IDs for the Availability Zones in an account, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the AWS Resource Access Manager console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Resource Access Manager.
  3. Under Your AZ ID, find the AZ IDs for the selected Region.

Use the AZ IDs to determine the location of resources in one account compared to the resources in another account.

For example, suppose that you share a subnet in an Availability Zone with an AZ ID of use-az2 with another account. This subnet is available to that account in the Availability Zone with the AZ ID that is also use-az2. You can find the AZ ID for each subnet in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) console.

For more information, see Availability Zone IDs for your AWS resources.

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated 6 months ago