I want to use special parameters, such as --enable-metrics, for my job in AWS Glue. When I run my job, I receive a template validation or "null values" error from AWS CloudFormation.
To set special parameters for your AWS Glue job, you must supply a key-value pair for the DefaultArguments property of the AWS::Glue::Job resource in CloudFormation. If you supply a key only in your job definition, then CloudFormation returns a validation error.
To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
- In your CloudFormation template, set the value of your special parameter to an empty string for the DefaultArguments property of your job definition.
Example JSON:
"MyJob": {
"Type": "AWS::Glue::Job",
"Properties": {
"Command": {
"Name": "glueetl",
"ScriptLocation": "s3://my-test//test-job1"
"DefaultArguments": {
"--job-bookmark-option": "job-bookmark-enable",
"--enable-metrics": ""
"ExecutionProperty": {
"MaxConcurrentRuns": 2
"MaxRetries": 0,
"Name": "cf-job3",
"Role": {
"Ref": "MyJobRole"
Example YAML:
Type: 'AWS::Glue::Job'
Name: glueetl
ScriptLocation: 's3://my-test//test-job1'
'--job-bookmark-option': job-bookmark-enable
'--enable-metrics': ''
MaxConcurrentRuns: 2
MaxRetries: 0
Name: cf-job3
Role: !Ref MyJobRole
Note: In the preceding examples of JSON and YAML templates, --enable-metrics has an empty string value. The empty string validates the template and launches the resource that's configured with the special parameter.
- To activate your special parameter, run your job.