How do I set up custom whisper flows in my Amazon Connect IVR system?
I want to customize the whisper flows for customers and agents in my Amazon Connect contact center's interactive voice response (IVR) system. How do I configure custom whisper flows in Amazon Connect?
Short description
At the start of inbound calls to your Amazon Connect contact center, the following default contact flows play for customers and agents, respectively:
To override these default whisper flows, create new contact flows to replace them that use the following contact blocks:
Then, set your custom whisper flows in the contact flow that you want to customize using a Set whisper flow contact block.
Important: To create and edit contact flows, you must log in to your Amazon Connect instance as a user that has sufficient permissions in their security profile.
Create a new customer whisper flow
Create a new contact flow
Manage what customers experience before they're connected to an agent on an inbound call by creating a customer whisper flow.
1. Log in to your Amazon Connect instance using your access URL ( -or- ).
Important: Replace alias with your instance's alias.
2. In the left navigation pane, hover over Routing. Then, choose Contact flows.
3. On the Contact flows page, next to the Create contact flow button, choose the down arrow. Then, choose Create customer whisper flow.
4. In the contact flow designer, for Enter a name, enter a name for the contact flow. For example: Customer whisper - Custom.
5. Choose Save.
Add a Set voice block
Set the text-to-speech language and voice using a Set voice contact block.
1. In the contact flow designer, expand Set.
2. Drag and drop a Set voice block onto the canvas.
3. Choose the block title (Set voice). The block's settings menu opens.
4. Choose a Language and Voice for the audio prompt that the customer hears.
5. Choose Save.
Add a Play prompt block
Configure the audio prompt that customers hear using a Play prompt contact block.
Note: You can use this block to include a custom text message, which can reference a contact attribute. For example, the name of a specific queue: "We're connecting you to an agent in $.Queue.Name". For more information, see System attributes.
1. In the contact flow designer, expand Interact.
2. Drag and drop a Play prompt block onto the canvas.
3. Choose the block title (Play prompt). The block's settings menu opens.
4. For Prompt, configure the audio prompt that you want to play.
5. Choose Save.
Add an End flow / Resume block
End the custom whisper flow while keeping the customer connected using an End Flow / Resume contact block.
1. In the contact flow designer, expand Terminate / Transfer.
2. Drag and drop an End flow / Resume contact block onto the canvas.
Finish the customer whisper flow
1. Add and connect more contact blocks to your customer whisper flow as needed for your use case.
Note: For example use cases, see Sample contact flows.
2. Connect all the connectors in your contact flow to a block. For example: Entry point > Set voice > Play prompt > End flow / Resume.
3. Choose Save to save a draft of the contact flow.
4. Choose Publish to activate the contact flow.
Create a new agent whisper flow
Create a new contact flow
Manage what agents experience before connecting with an inbound customer call by creating an agent whisper flow.
1. In your Amazon Connect instance, in the left navigation pane, hover over Routing. Then, choose Contact flows.
2. On the Contact flows page, next to the Create contact flow button, choose the down arrow. Then, choose Create agent whisper flow.
3. In the contact flow designer, for Enter a name, enter a name for the contact flow. For example: Agent whisper - Custom.
4. Choose Save.
Add a Set voice block
Set the text-to-speech language and voice using a Set voice contact block.
1. In the contact flow designer, expand Set.
2. Drag and drop a Set voice block onto the canvas.
3. Choose the block title (Set voice). The block's settings menu opens.
4. Choose a Language and Voice for the audio prompt that the agent hears.
5. Choose Save.
Add a Play prompt block
Configure the audio prompt that customers hear using a Play prompt contact block.
1. In the contact flow designer, expand Interact.
2. Drag and drop a Play prompt block onto the canvas.
3. Choose the block title (Play prompt). The block's settings menu opens.
4. For Prompt, configure the audio prompt that you want to play.
5. Choose Save.
Add an End flow / Resume block
End the custom whisper flow while keeping the customer connected using an End Flow / Resume contact block.
1. In the contact flow designer, expand Terminate / Transfer.
2. Drag and drop an End flow / Resume contact block onto the canvas.
Finish the agent whisper flow
1. Add and connect more contact blocks to your customer whisper flow as needed for your use case.
Note: For example use cases, see Sample contact flows.
2. Connect all the connectors in your contact flow to a block. For example: Entry point > Set voice > Play prompt > End flow / Resume.
3. Choose Save to save a draft of the contact flow.
4. Choose Publish to activate the contact flow.
Set your custom whisper flows in the contact flow that you want to customize using a Set whisper flow block
Add Set whisper flow blocks to the contact flow that you want to customize
Override the default customer and agent whisper flows in your contact flow using your custom whisper flows and a Set whisper flow contact block.
1. In your Amazon Connect instance, in the left navigation pane, hover over Routing. Then, choose Contact flows.
2. On the Contact flows page, choose the name of a contact flow that you're customizing or create a new contact flow.
3. In the contact flow designer, expand Set.
4. Drag and drop a Set whisper flow block onto the canvas.
5. Choose the block title (Set whisper flow). The block's settings menu opens.
6. For Whisper flow, do one of the following:
Choose Agent, and then for Select a flow, choose the agent whisper flow that you created.
Choose Customer, and then for Select a flow, choose the customer whisper flow that you created.
7. Choose Save.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for the other custom whisper flow that you created.
Finish the contact flow
1. Add and connect more contact blocks to your customer whisper flow as needed for your use case.
Note: For example use cases, see Sample contact flows.
2. Connect all the connectors in your contact flow to a block. For example: Entry point > Set voice > Play prompt > End flow / Resume.
3. Choose Save to save a draft of the contact flow.
4. Choose Publish to activate the contact flow.
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