How do I collect the data needed by AWS Support to troubleshoot issues with my SLES for SAP High Availability Cluster?

5 minute read

I need to collect data so that AWS Support can investigate an incident in my SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) for SAP High Availability Cluster.


Gather the following data as soon as possible after the incident and include it in your support case. This includes system information, configuration details, and diagnostic information:

  • Use the SUSE supportconfig command-line tool to gather a system report from each of the cluster nodes.
  • Use the Pacemaker hb_report command-line tool to gather a cluster diagnostic report from one of the cluster nodes.

The supportconfig tool collects a system report that contains configurations, logs, and diagnostic output in a tarball for upload to AWS Support. The supportconfig tool is part of the supportutils package. The supportutils package is installed by default on any resources launched from AWS pay as you go (PAYG) SLES for SAP applications images. These tools allow AWS Support and SUSE Support to help you troubleshoot issues.

Important: Make sure that your support case includes the following items:

  • A detailed description of the problem and error.
  • The current impact to the affected applications and services, and the current state of impacted systems.
  • The date, time, and time zone when the incident occurred.
  • The AWS resource IDs. For example, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance IDs, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) IDs, and so on.

Step 1. Use the supportconfig utility tool to gather a SUSE system report

Install or update the supportutils package

Complete the following steps to install or update the supportutils package and necessary plugin packages on the host or hosts.

1.    Verify if the supportutils package is installed:

sudo zypper in -y supportutils yast2-support

2.    Verify if the supportconfig sap ha plugin is installed:

sudo zypper in -y supportutils-plugin-ha-sap

3.    Verify if the supportconfig public cloud plugin is installed:

(source /etc/os-release; sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-module-public-cloud/$VERSION_ID/x86_64)

4.    Verify that the supportconfig public cloud plugin is installed:

sudo zypper in -y supportutils-plugin-suse-public-cloud

5.    Run the following command to re-create and overwrite the /etc/supportconfig.conf with default options:

$ sudo supportconfig -C

Run the supportconfig utility to collect the report

To collect the system report for most deployments, run the following command to gather the supportconfig archive:

$ sudo supportconfig -l

For larger, high-memory hosts with SAP HANA workloads, for example, 18TB or 24TB, use the following command to gather the supportconfig archive:

$ sudo supportconfig -l -x OFILES,PROC

Note: Use the -A configuration option to activate all supportconfig functions with additional logging and full rpm verification.

For more information, see the following resources:

Step 2. Use the hb_report tool to gather a SUSE cluster diagnostic report

The hb_report is a wrapper around the crm_report utility. The crm_report utility collects the necessary Pacemaker cluster resource manager (CRM) information. This information includes logs, configuration files, system information, and so on, over a specified period of time.

Run the following command on each of the cluster nodes to gather a cluster diagnostic report for a recent event:

sudo hb_report -u root -p "passw.*" -f "`date --date='7 days ago' +%Y-%m-%d' '%H:%M:%S`" -S $(pwd)/hb_report-$(date +%Y%m%d-%s)

The tool generates a compressed archive file in the present working directory that will include all the necessary cluster information.

For more information, run the following command to access the manual pages:

$ man crm_report

Step 3. Upload the collected systems and cluster diagnostic data to your AWS Support case

AWS Support shares an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) uploader link with you through the case correspondence. Complete the following steps to upload your collected data:

1.    To upload the files to the S3 uploader bucket that's associated with your AWS support case, run the following command. Replace the URL with the link that you received from AWS Support. Replace the filename with the name of the file that you want to upload.

# file="filename"; /usr/bin/curl -s -L "${file}" | bash


  • The command must run in the directory containing the file.
  • Use only ASCII characters in the file name. The file name must not contain <space> or any other special characters.

The specified file uploads to the S3 bucket that's associated with your AWS support case.

2.    Repeat the steps to upload additional files.

Related information

Indepth HANA Cluster Debug Data Collection (PACEMAKER, SAP) on the SUSE Support website

Usage of hb_report for SLES HAE on the SUSE Support website

Logs about an incident on a Pacemaker Cluster are lost because of the log file turn-over policy on the SUSE Support website

Data Collection Requirements for SAP Cluster Debug and RCA on the SUSE Premium Support website

Details for supportconfig plugin to gather SAP information related to SUSE solutions on the SUSE Support website

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago