I want to turn on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Serial Console, Special Admin Console (SAC), and boot menu in my Windows instance to troubleshoot boot, network configuration, and other issues without the instance’s network capabilities.
Short description
To turn on the EC2 Serial Console, the SAC, and the boot menu on your Windows instance, use the AWSSupport-EnableWindowsEC2SerialConsole automation runbook. For instances in the running state managed by AWS Systems Manager, the runbook runs a Systems Manager Run Command PowerShell script. This script turns on the SAC and boot menu. For instances in the stopped state or not managed by Systems Manager, the runbook uses the AWSSupport-StartEC2RescueWorkflow automation workflow. This workflow creates a temporary EC2 instance to perform changes offline.
Make sure that your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role has the required permissions. For more information, see Required IAM permissions in AWSSupport-EnableWindowsEC2SerialConsole.
To use the runbook, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to the AWSSupport-EnableWindowsEC2SerialConsole in the Systems Manager console.
- Choose Execute automation.
- For the input parameters, enter the following values:
- InstanceId (Required): The ID of EC2 instance.
- AutomationAssumeRole (Optional): The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows Systems Manager Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If a role isn't specified, then Systems Manager Automation uses the permissions of the user that starts this runbook.
- HelperInstanceType (Conditional): The type of Amazon EC2 instance that the runbook provisions to configure EC2 Serial Console access for an offline instance.
- HelperInstanceProfileName (Conditional): The name of an existing IAM instance profile for the helper instance. If you turn on SAC and boot menu on an instance in the stopped state, or isn't managed by Systems Manager, then this is required. If an IAM instance profile isn't specified, then the automation creates one for you.
- SubnetId (Conditional): The subnet ID for the helper instance. By default, the automation uses the same subnet where the provided instance resides.
- Important: If the target instance is in the stopped state or isn't managed by Systems Manager, then a custom subnet must meet the following requirements:
Must be in the same Availability Zone as the InstanceId.
Must allow access to the Systems Manager endpoints.
- CreateInstanceBackupBeforeScriptExecution (Optional): Choose True to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) backup of the EC2 instance before the SAC and boot menu are turned on. The AMI persists after the automation completes. It's your responsibility to secure access to the AMI, or to delete it.
- BackupAmazonMachineImagePrefix (Conditional): A prefix for the AMI that's created if the CreateInstanceBackupBeforeScriptExecution parameter is set to True.
- Choose Execute.
- Review detailed results in the Outputs section. The following are the sections contained in the output:
- EnableSACAndBootMenu.Output: Output of command execution in EnableSACAndBootMenu step.
- GetExecutionDetails.OfflineScriptOutput: Output of offline script executed in the RunAutomationToInjectOfflineScriptForEnablingSACAndBootMenu step.
- GetExecutionDetails.BackupBeforeScriptExecution: Image ID of the backup AMI taken if the CreateInstanceBackupBeforeScriptExecution input parameter is True.
Related information
AWS Support Automation Workflows (SAW)
Run an automation
Setting up Automation
EC2 Serial Console for Windows instances