How can I optimize SnapMirror performance, and what are best practices for FSx for NetApp ONTAP?

7 minute read

I want to optimize my SnapMirror performance, and use best practices for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP.


Follow these best practices for SnapMirror, and use network compression to optimize performance.

Best practices for SnapMirror

  • To keep the source and destination volumes the same size or slightly larger, run the volume autosize command to activate autogrow on the destination volume. For more information, see Configure volumes to automatically provide more space when they are full on the NetApp website.
  • Make sure that storage efficiency jobs, such as deduplication, data compression, and SnapMirror operations, don't run concurrently. For more information, see Storage efficiency with deduplication and data compression on the NetApp website.
  • Don't reuse a destination volume from a previously existing SnapMirror relationship. To start a new SnapMirror relationship, create a new volume.
  • Before you copy data to the destination, don't delete snapshot copies that SnapMirror creates in the source volume. Incremental changes to the destination depend on the newest common snapshot (NCS) copy. If SnapMirror doesn't find the snapshot copy on the source, then it can't perform incremental changes to the destination.
  • When you configure SnapMirror to transfer, don't restrict or take the destination volume offline. When the destination is offline, SnapMirror can't perform updates to the destination.
  • SnapMirror updates aren't scheduled to occur on the source volume at the same time as other snapshot copies.
  • SnapMirror doesn't support NAT.
  • If the network utilization that the data protocols generate is above 50%, then use a dedicated failover group for inter-cluster communication.
  • When you deploy SnapMirror, the round-trip time (RTT) of a packet from the source to the destination storage system might cause write latency.

Use network compression to optimize SnapMirror performance

Use SnapMirror network compression to compress the data stream on the source system, and transfer the compressed data stream over the network. The data stream is then uncompressed on the destination system before it's written to the disk.

SnapMirror network compression increases resource utilization on the SnapMirror source and destination systems. Before you deploy compression, evaluate the resource usage and benefits. For more information, see SnapMirror network compression on the NetApp website.

To activate SnapMirror network compression, set the -is-network-compressionenabled option to true in a SnapMirror policy. When you create a new relationship, you can activate network compression.

To activate network compression for an active transfer, you must first stop the existing transfer. Then, set the -is-network-compressionenabled option to true, and resume the transfer.

Note: Network compression is turned off by default and isn't available in Clustered Data ONTAP version 8.2 or earlier.

To create a custom policy, activate compression, and access the compression, run a command similar to the following one:

FsxIdxxxxxxx::> snapmirror policy create -vserver AD -policy network-comp -tries 8 -transfer-priority normal -ignore-atime false -restart always -is-network-compression-enabled true -type async-mirror -throttle unlimited

Example policy:

FsxIdxxxxxxx::> snapmirror policy show -vserver AD -policy network-comp 

                      Vserver: AD
       SnapMirror Policy Name: network-comp
       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                 Policy Owner: vserver-admin
                  Tries Limit: 8
            Transfer Priority: normal
    Ignore accesstime Enabled: false
      Transfer Restartability: always
  Network Compression Enabled: true
              Create Snapshot: true
                      Comment: -
        Total Number of Rules: 1
                   Total Keep: 1
       Transfer Schedule Name: -
                     Throttle: unlimited

 SnapMirror Label       Keep Preserve Warn Schedule Prefix     Retention Period
 ---------------------- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---------- ----------------
 sm_created                1 false       0 -        -                         -


Use the SnapMirror show –instance policy to show the compression ratio:

FsxIdxxxxxxx::> snapmirror show -instance

                            Source Path: ADNTFS:testshare
                       Destination Path: AD:AD_dest
                      Relationship Type: XDP
                Relationship Group Type: none
                    SnapMirror Schedule: -
                 SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                      SnapMirror Policy: network-comp
                            Tries Limit: -
                      Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                           Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                    Relationship Status: Idle
                File Restore File Count: -
                 File Restore File List: -
                      Transfer Snapshot: -
                      Snapshot Progress: -
                         Total Progress: -
    Percent Complete for Current Status: -
              Network Compression Ratio: -
                    Snapshot Checkpoint: -
                        Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.273a8f2c-3c33-11ee-b3db-e3ddc9559f8a_2163490733.2023-10-16_011836
              Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 10/16 01:18:36
                      Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.273a8f2c-3c33-11ee-b3db-e3ddc9559f8a_2163490733.2023-10-16_011836
            Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 10/16 01:18:36
                                Healthy: true
                       Unhealthy Reason: -
                Destination Volume Node: FsxId-Example-01
                        Relationship ID: dd723540-6bc1-11ee-96b4-7d53af61bc17
                   Current Operation ID: -
                          Transfer Type: -
                         Transfer Error: -
                       Current Throttle: -
              Current Transfer Priority: -
                     Last Transfer Type: initialize
                    Last Transfer Error: -
                     Last Transfer Size: 21.20KB
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: 13.7:1
                 Last Transfer Duration: 0:0:3
                     Last Transfer From: ADNTFS:testshare
            Last Transfer End Timestamp: 10/16 01:18:39
                  Progress Last Updated: -
                Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                               Lag Time: 0:0:21
           Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                 Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
           Number of Successful Updates: 0
               Number of Failed Updates: 0
           Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
               Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
            Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                   Total Transfer Bytes: 21708
         Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 3
                 FabricLink Source Role: -
               FabricLink Source Bucket: -
                   FabricLink Peer Role: -
                 FabricLink Peer Bucket: -
                    FabricLink Topology: -
             FabricLink Pull Byte Count: -
             FabricLink Push Byte Count: -
          FabricLink Pending Work Count: -
                      FabricLink Status: -


Note: In the preceding example policy, the last transfer network compression ratio is 13.7:1.

Example policy with network compression deactivated:

FsxIdxxxxxxx::> snapmirror policy show -vserver AD -policy network-comp 

                      Vserver: AD
       SnapMirror Policy Name: network-comp
       SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                 Policy Owner: vserver-admin
                  Tries Limit: 8
            Transfer Priority: normal
    Ignore accesstime Enabled: false
      Transfer Restartability: always
  Network Compression Enabled: false
              Create Snapshot: true
                      Comment: -
        Total Number of Rules: 1
                   Total Keep: 1
       Transfer Schedule Name: -
                     Throttle: unlimited

 SnapMirror Label       Keep Preserve Warn Schedule Prefix     Retention Period
 ---------------------- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---------- ----------------
 sm_created                1 false       0 -        -                         -


FsxIdxxxxxxx::> snapmirror update -destination-path  AD:AD_dest 
Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "AD:AD_dest".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

FsxIdxxxxxxx::> snapmirror show -instance                           

                            Source Path: ADNTFS:testshare
                       Destination Path: AD:AD_dest
                      Relationship Type: XDP
                Relationship Group Type: none
                    SnapMirror Schedule: -
                 SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                      SnapMirror Policy: network-comp
                            Tries Limit: -
                      Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                           Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                    Relationship Status: Transferring
                File Restore File Count: -
                 File Restore File List: -
                      Transfer Snapshot: snapmirror.273a8f2c-3c33-11ee-b3db-e3ddc9559f8a_2163490733.2023-10-16_012943
                      Snapshot Progress: 0B
                         Total Progress: 0B
    Percent Complete for Current Status: -
              Network Compression Ratio: 1:1
                    Snapshot Checkpoint: 0B
                        Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.273a8f2c-3c33-11ee-b3db-e3ddc9559f8a_2163490733.2023-10-16_012204
              Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 10/16 01:22:04
                      Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.273a8f2c-3c33-11ee-b3db-e3ddc9559f8a_2163490733.2023-10-16_012204
            Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 10/16 01:22:04
                                Healthy: true
                       Unhealthy Reason: -
                Destination Volume Node: FsxId-Example-01
                        Relationship ID: dd723540-6bc1-11ee-96b4-7d53af61bc17
                   Current Operation ID: 7bf019ca-6bc3-11ee-96b4-7d53af61bc17
                          Transfer Type: update
                         Transfer Error: -
                       Current Throttle: unlimited
              Current Transfer Priority: normal
                     Last Transfer Type: resync
                    Last Transfer Error: -
                     Last Transfer Size: 3.27KB
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: 1:1
                 Last Transfer Duration: 0:0:2
                     Last Transfer From: ADNTFS:testshare
            Last Transfer End Timestamp: 10/16 01:22:06
                  Progress Last Updated: 10/16 01:29:43
                Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                               Lag Time: 0:7:41
           Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
                 Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
                 Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
           Number of Successful Updates: 0
               Number of Failed Updates: 0
           Number of Successful Resyncs: 1
               Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
            Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                   Total Transfer Bytes: 25060
         Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 5
                 FabricLink Source Role: -
               FabricLink Source Bucket: -
                   FabricLink Peer Role: -
                 FabricLink Peer Bucket: -
                    FabricLink Topology: -
             FabricLink Pull Byte Count: -
             FabricLink Push Byte Count: -
          FabricLink Pending Work Count: -
                      FabricLink Status: -


For more information, see How to activate SnapMirror network compression in clustered Data ONTAP on the NetApp website.

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Why does SnapMirror replication take a long time on my FSx for Netapp ONTAP volume?

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago