Why do my AWS Health events still appear in the AWS Health Dashboard after I've taken the requested notification action?

2 minute read

I took the requested action in the AWS Health Dashboard but the notification still appears.

Short description

You can use the AWS Health Dashboard to view the health of all AWS services. Health events (public or account-specific) might request you to act on resources in your AWS account. For example, stopping an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that has scheduled maintenance. You can review the event description to understand the issue, identify affected resources, and follow the requested actions. The event status tells you if the Health event is open, closed, or upcoming. You can view Health events in the AWS Health Dashboard, or the AWS Health API, for up to 90 days.

For more information, see AWS Health events.


After taking the requested action, the Health event might still appear in the AWS Health Dashboard. For example, under the Open and recent issues and Scheduled changes sections the Health event is still displayed after taking the requested action. The Other notifications section displays events for several days or until the scheduled end time has been reached.

If you've already taken the requested action in the AWS Health Dashboard, then you can ignore the notification.

For more information, see AWS Health Dashboard – Service health.

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago