How do I use Application Migration Service to migrate a server from on-premises to AWS?

2 minute read

I want to use AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) to migrate an on-premises server to AWS.


To use Application Migration Service to complete a server migration to AWS, complete the following steps:

Pre-migration steps

Note: If you receive errors when running AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, make sure that you’re using the most recent AWS CLI version.

  1. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user, and then assign the AWS Replication Agent permissions policy to the IAM user. For more information on IAM resources, see Permissions required to access IAM resources.
  2. Initialize the Application Migration Service with the first time setup. Initializing the service automatically creates a Replication settings template.  You can also use the AWS CLI to manually initialize the the Application Migration Service.
  3. Verify your network requirements in the Replication Settings template. Application Migration Service uses these settings to create Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that act as replication servers between your servers and AWS.
  4. Install the AWS Replication Agent on your source server. For more information on Replication Agent statuses, see Data replication status.
  5. Configure the launch settings in the Application Migration Service console.
  6. Launch a test instance to verify that the cutover instance launches as expected.

Note: The initial synchronization must be complete before you can run Launch test instances.

Migration steps

  1. Launch the target cutover instance.
    Note: Before you launch cutover instances, make sure that the source servers are Ready for cutover under Migration Lifecycle and Healthy under Data replication status.
  2. Finalize the cutover. This changes the source servers Migration Lifecycle status to Cutover complete. This also stops the Replication Server. As a result, it stop and discards all data replication.

Related information

Getting started with AWS Application Migration Service

Application Migration Service general questions

Replication template vs individual server settings

How to use the new AWS Application Migration Service for lift-and-shift migrations

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago