How can I identify modified parameters in my Amazon RDS DB instance?

2 minute read

I want to identify the parameters that were modified in my Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DB instance or cluster.


These are common reasons why you might identify and copy modified RDS DB parameters from one version of Amazon RDS to another:

  • Perform end of life upgrades on your RDS DB instances. 
  • Test upgrades from one version to another. In some cases.
  • You use parameter groups that contain parameters that are configured for a specific use case and application.

To identify the modified parameters on a DB resource, run the Amazon RDS describe-db-parameters and describe-db-cluster-parameters commands. Then, copy the parameters to another parameter group.

Note: If you receive errors when running AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, make sure that you’re using the most recent AWS CLI version.

To identify modified parameters in your Amazon RDS DB instance, run the describe-db-parameters command:

$$ aws rds describe-db-parameters --db-parameter-group-name <PG_name> --region <region> --query "Parameters[?Source=='user' || ApplyMethod=='immediate'].[ParameterName]" --output text

To identify modified parameters in your Amazon RDS DB cluster, run the describe-db-cluster-parameters command:

$$ aws rds describe-db-cluster-parameters --db-cluster-parameter-group-name <Cluster_PG_name> --region <region> --query "Parameters[?Source=='user' || ApplyMethod=='immediate'].[ParameterName]" --output text

The describe-db-parameters and describe-db-cluster-parameters commands return the output in text format.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago