Why are the emails that I send with Amazon SES marked as spam?

2 minute read

The emails that I send with Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) end up in the recipients' spam folders.

Short description

After Amazon SES successfully delivers the email to a mail server, an email might end up in a spam folder. SES can't control how a delivered email is processed and can't confirm placement into an inbox if the email is marked as spam. Internet service providers (ISPs) also use mechanisms and algorithms to filter emails to place them in either the recipient's inbox folder or spam folder.


Follow these steps to minimize the chances that your emails land in a recipient's spam folder:

To learn more about email best practices with Amazon SES, see Tips and best practices.

Note that third-party email security providers or vendors can modify email headers after you send them. If you followed all best practices and your emails are still filtered as spam, then contact the ISP for more information about their spam classification.

Related information

How email sending works in Amazon SES

Bounce and complaint rates