Why does a subnet that load balancers use in my VPC have insufficient IP addresses?
2 minute read
A subnet in my virtual private cloud (VPC) ran out of available IP addresses, and I'm using this subnet with Elastic Load Balancing load balancers.
Short description
If subnets in your VPC run out of available IP addresses, then AWS resources, such as load balancers, might not respond to increased traffic.
It's a best practice to keep at least eight IP addresses available in each subnet. There are two ways to free up or add IP addresses to use with load balancers. The following methods apply to both Application Load Balancers and Classic Load Balancers:
Delete unused elastic network interfaces to free up IP addresses in the subnet.
Check the route tables and network access control list (network ACL) rules that are associated with your subnet. Make sure that your new subnet routes traffic the same way that your previous subnet did. For example, if you configured a default route to an internet gateway in your previous subnet, then make sure that your new subnet has a similar route.