How Can I Make Amazon Cloudfront Automatically Compress Mp3 Files Before Distributing Them


Good day to you, I own a music streaming app, and I'm looking for ways to minimize my cloudfront cost which has been over the roof for few weeks now, I want a situation whereby each time an mp3 file is requested it cloudfront automatically compresses the mp3 bitrate something lower and distribute the compressed version, or if there are any other ways this can be achieved on amazon aws, then I'll so much appreciate it if someone can guide me, or maybe any other ways I can minimize my cloudfront cost...

Than you!!

2개 답변

MP3 is already an “compressed” format up to 1/12 of the original file.

Cloudfront won’t compress them again or reduce the bitrate.

If your streaming a mp3 and want to reduce the quality the end person usually notices a difference below 128kbps but I’m not an expert in that field.

Have you thought about converting them all before hand and storing them at a lower bitrate?

You may want to look at AWS Elemental MediaConvert

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답변함 일 년 전

There are two or maybe more ways to achieve it. One approach to achieve your goal of compressing MP3 files on the fly is by leveraging Amazon Lambda@Edge, a serverless compute service that runs your code closer to users.

Here's a high-level overview of the process:

  1. Write a Lambda function: Create a Lambda function that triggers when an MP3 file is requested from CloudFront. This function will intercept the request, compress the MP3 file on the fly, and return the compressed version.

  2. Enable Lambda@Edge: Configure CloudFront to use Lambda@Edge by associating the Lambda function with the appropriate CloudFront distribution. This ensures that the function is executed at the edge locations closest to your users.

  3. Compress MP3 files: Within the Lambda function, you can use libraries like ffmpeg or other audio processing tools to reduce the bitrate of the requested MP3 file. This compression can be done dynamically based on the user's device capabilities or predefined settings.

  4. Cache the compressed files: To further optimize costs, you can configure CloudFront to cache the compressed MP3 files. This reduces the number of times the Lambda function needs to be executed for repeated requests, improving response times and reducing costs.

Additionally, consider implementing other cost optimization techniques:

  • Content caching: Leverage CloudFront's caching capabilities to reduce the number of origin requests. Set appropriate caching headers and TTLs based on the frequency of changes to your MP3 files.

  • Content delivery optimizations: Optimize your MP3 files for efficient delivery by using formats like HLS or DASH, which allow adaptive streaming and reduce bandwidth usage.

  • Origin storage optimization: Evaluate the storage costs of your origin server. Consider using cost-effective storage solutions like Amazon S3 with intelligent tiering or Amazon Glacier for infrequently accessed files.

Remember to perform thorough testing and monitor the performance of your app after implementing these optimizations to ensure a satisfactory user experience.

답변함 일 년 전

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