Unable to receive email using Amazon Work Email but can send


I am attempting to receive email for schedulingcoordinator@carbtest.org but emails never arrive even when replying to one sent from that address. The Domain was purchased through Route 53 and I believe everything is et up right.

I can send emails fine but do not receive any bounce messages or errors. Nothing ever arrives. Exisitng answers did not resolve my issue.

질문됨 일 년 전271회 조회
2개 답변


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with receiving mail. I took a look your domain and the MX records look correct. I checked with the service team if they could do a quick look at your organization. They found your domain to be missing its inbound rule in SES. This means when we receive a mail for your domain we do not know where to deliver it.

You can correct this by adding your domain again in the WorkMail console. This will trigger a workflow to correct any problems with the required settings for a domain. You do not have to remove domain first.

Kind regards, Robin

답변함 일 년 전

This problem can also be fixed by adding the following SES "Email receiving" rule: condition = yourDomainName and action = "Integrate with Amazon WorkMail".

답변함 9달 전

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