Every active directory user lands on account settings of QuickSight


I have integrated AWS Managed AD with QuickSight using AWS Identity Center.

The problem I am facing now is, whenever I login using admin, author or reader user stored in AWS Managed AD, I can see the QuickSight application as shown below.


When I click on the QuickSight application I land on the Account Settings page instead of going to QS dashboard.


How can I configure it so that every user (admin, author or reader) logged in via SSO lands on QS dashboard?

  • Just found the answer from stackoverflow:

    If you subscribe QuickSight with an active directory, you cannot use an IAM user or assume-role session to log in the product to access the dashboards or other assets. For an AD account, an IAM user with necessary permissions can only access the QuickSight console pages to manage the account settings, such as role-group mapping and unsubscription.

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