Permission denied when trying to create a file from a Greengrass v2 lambda component


Hello, we've written a NO_CONTAINER Lambda based component for Greengrass v2 in Java.

This component does attempt to persist a file to local storage but fails as it doesn't seem to be allowed to do so.

2024-07-31T16:07:41.380Z [ERROR] (pool-3-thread-22) com.redbite.AccessFacilitator: Caused by: Permission denied. {serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.redbite.AccessFacilitator, currentState=RUNNING} 2024-07-31T16:07:41.382Z [ERROR] (pool-3-thread-22) com.redbite.AccessFacilitator: at java.base/ Method). {serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.redbite.AccessFacilitator, currentState=RUNNING} 2024-07-31T16:07:41.384Z [ERROR] (pool-3-thread-22) com.redbite.AccessFacilitator: at java.base/ {serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.redbite.AccessFacilitator, currentState=RUNNING}

Is it possible to configure it so that it's allowed to write to local storage?

Also I wonder if using a regular Greengrass v2 component instead of a Lambda one would give us more options.

질문됨 2달 전211회 조회
2개 답변

Lambda component by default has a Read-Only permission to the device file system in which the lambda component is running. You need to update this configuration to Read-Write to be able to persist files on your device using a lambda component.


That being said, I would recommend using a Greengrass V2 native instead of a lambda component. They are easier to develop and troubleshoot.

답변함 2달 전
  • I have checked the documentation but it seems to suggest I can only do that if the lambda runs inside a container. Can I configure to Read-Write with when I run without any isolation?

  • When using a native component can I take advantage of the subscription and message handling that Greengrass can do in case of a lambda component? That is I configure an eventSources in the component recipe then lambda implements and I'm done.


You will need to implement your own hook for AWS service related events for a native GGV2 component. But that should straightforward the AWS SDK. Lambda is a GGV1 concept which is not recommended GGV2.

답변함 2달 전

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