Alarms failed to execute action - Empty error message


Having issues with triggering scaling events, I've tried couple different ways to create the alarms and scaling policies, but none work. The "Received error" is empty, I'm guessing it's just hidden from me. How can I get help with this?

Failed to execute action arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:784417831348:scalingPolicy:fab38292-1d9f-4659-82f7-64e8f72e1fbb:resource/ecs/service/development-cluster/development-service:policyName/AggregatorScaleOutPolicy. Received error: ""

I've used both cloudformation and the point and click interface to try to make the ECS Fargate cluster scale but always same result... I need help.

질문됨 5년 전361회 조회
1개 답변

I ended up applying a autoscaling rule via CloudFormation, to test I just made the thresholds very small (I tested scaling on both memory and CPU). Once I did that I saw the scaling event where Fargate scaled up the number of containers I needed. I'm sure no one at AWS could have helped me... Thanks for all the replies and help AWS...

답변함 5년 전

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