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What's the best way to migrate from MySQL 8.0.33 on RDS to Aurora Serverless V2 cluster?


My research indicates this will be a multi-step process, starting with making a Read Replica, which is failing.

It appears that the latest version of Aurora only supports up to MySQL 8.0.32, but I have had my "Auto apply minor version upgrade" set to "Yes", so my MySQL version keeps outpacing Aurora. Do I need to turn off that setting and then just wait until they release an Aurora version that is compatible with MySQL 8.0.33? I assume that could take months. Is there any quicker way to get from MySQL RDS to Aurora Serverless?

Also, as part of this process, I need to make sure my provisioned storage is reduced. We deleted many GiB of data from our database but can't lower the storage setting on the MySQL instance. I need to make sure we are not paying for all that extra storage on the Aurora cluster.

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1개 답변


AWS doesn't support version downgrades, so I think it's best to wait until MySQL 8.0.33 is supported.
I think it is possible to use other methods such as mysqldump or AWS DMS to move data from a MySQL 8.0.33 RDS instance to a MySQL 8.0.32 RDS instance and migrate to Aurora Serverless, but verification is required. I think this will take some time as well.

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