Unable to verify account for SSO


I have 2 accounts, dev and prod. On Prod, have enabled SSO and trying to add dev account to Prod Org. Gave the account ID of dev account by clicking on the invite button. All good so far, received an email to accept in invitation. Upon clicking on the link, nothing happens and it's just a blank page. Tried on multiple machines and same status. Any idea how can I add one account to other's Org.

질문됨 6달 전205회 조회
1개 답변

Try logging into the Dev account and search for organisations.

You should see the invite link in the AWS gui.

Here you should be able to accept the invite to the org.

profile picture
답변함 6달 전
  • Surprisingly, I do not see any invite under Org, tried sending a fresh invite and it's not visible.

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